With the coming of September and the fall begins a new year of fraternal, social, and community activities. We're looking forward to a fantastic year and have many plans in the works. Here are some of our upcoming activities.
Norwood Day: Blood Drive, Face Painting, Model Railroaders and more Norwood Day will be Saturday, Sept 7 from 9 am to 3 pm. Orient Lodge will have a booth along Washington Street and host the model railroad group in our lodge building. We’ll feature face painting for children at our booth from 10 am to 2 pm. If you can be there, please sign up for booth duty online here. We’ll also host the MGH Bloodmobile near the Norwood Theater from 9 am to 2:30 pm. Walk-ins always welcome, or register for a time to donate at http://bit.ly/NorwoodBloodDrive. Pro tips for new blood donors: hydrate well and bring a government-issued photo ID. Please reserve a couple hours of your day if you'd be able to volunteer with us. We'll be in certain need of help in the afternoon if you’re able to support us. Installation of Officers The annual Installation of Officers is scheduled for Saturday, Sept 7, at 5 pm. RSVP are due now at https://orientlodge.eventbrite.com. September Standard Communication Please plan to join us on Monday, Sept 9, at 6 p.m. for our first standard communication of the Masonic year, during which we will present our Trestleboard of fraternal, social, family, and community activities that are planned for the year. During the business meeting I’ll ask for your vote in support of a budget that will support our plan for the year. We’ll open on the third degree. Orient Lodge Summer Reading: Founding Martyr For those looking for summer reading options, consider Founding Martyr, Christian DiSpagna’s definitive biography of Dr. Joseph Warren, published last year. The book is available in paperback, hardcover and for Kindle from Amazon, as well as from other book sellers. We’ll have a book group on Saturday, Sept 21, at 9 am at the Norwood Masonic Building to talk about Founding Martyr. The Sixth District is also planning another tour of historically significant sites related to the life of Dr. Warren on Sunday, Oct 20, in which Christian DiSpigna will take part. If you are interested in attending, you’re asked to contact Bro. John Delcore. Costs will be determined once an estimated headcount is determined. Contact John at [email protected] or (978) 696-1776. Finally, Orient Lodge will host author Christian DiSpagna for a public talk about his research on Dr. Joseph Warren at the Morrill Memorial LIbrary on Monday, Oct 21, at 6:30 p.m. Attendance is free, please RSVP on the Morrill Memorial Library website. Lodge of Instruction The Sixth District Lodge of Instruction will be Monday, Sept 23, at 7 pm in the Westwood Masonic Building. Apple Picking Our first family event will be apple picking at the Lookout Farm in Natick on Saturday, Sept 28 at 10 a.m. Valley Forge Bus Trip Wor. Mark Lindsay is organizing a bus trip to Valley Forge, scheduled for October 24-27. Reservations due September 22. Call Mark at 508-291-0373 to RSVP or with any questions.
Blog AuthorOrient Lodge's blog is written by Officers, Members and other contributors who observe the craft. This blog is used to update our members on upcoming events, past events, meeting recaps or other Masonic endeavors. Please feel free to comment or add to any discussion or even ask a questions about Orient or Freemasonry in general. Archives
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