To encapsulate the Masonic fraternity into a short paragraph is not an easy assignment. If the interested person wants any information at all there are probably hundreds of thousands of web sites available along with thousands of books, magazines and other media products for the asking.
In brief, Freemasonry is probably the oldest and largest fraternity in the world. Members include kings, presidents, political leaders, judges, military men, entrepreneurs, recording artists, athletes, film stars, sportsmen, composers, astronauts as well as ordinary men from every walk of life.
Masonry brings together men from all social groups, races, creeds and religions. Usually men over 21 who profess a belief in a God and are of sound moral and ethical character, are qualified to join. Freemasonry, it should be pointed out is not a religion nor a rival to or substitute for one.
In order to preserve harmony among the Brothers, religion and politics are never discussed within a Lodge. Freemasons discourage intolerance and prejudice accepting all worthy and well qualified men as their Brothers.
Freemasons do not belong to a secret society. If we were hiding anything you would not be viewing this page as you are doing now. There are secret handshakes, signs and passwords as in any fraternity. By the way there are no women admitted for the fact that we are a fraternity. Sororities do not admit men and fraternities do not allow women in their meetings. In some countries women have their own Masonry or sometimes join in co-Masonry when men and woman belong to the same Lodge.
The fraternity tries to inculcate good behavior in public and private life by following three great principles: Brotherly love, Relief and Truth. Men join the fraternity for self-improvement, knowledge, skills, charity and a sense of brotherhood.
In brief, Freemasonry is probably the oldest and largest fraternity in the world. Members include kings, presidents, political leaders, judges, military men, entrepreneurs, recording artists, athletes, film stars, sportsmen, composers, astronauts as well as ordinary men from every walk of life.
Masonry brings together men from all social groups, races, creeds and religions. Usually men over 21 who profess a belief in a God and are of sound moral and ethical character, are qualified to join. Freemasonry, it should be pointed out is not a religion nor a rival to or substitute for one.
In order to preserve harmony among the Brothers, religion and politics are never discussed within a Lodge. Freemasons discourage intolerance and prejudice accepting all worthy and well qualified men as their Brothers.
Freemasons do not belong to a secret society. If we were hiding anything you would not be viewing this page as you are doing now. There are secret handshakes, signs and passwords as in any fraternity. By the way there are no women admitted for the fact that we are a fraternity. Sororities do not admit men and fraternities do not allow women in their meetings. In some countries women have their own Masonry or sometimes join in co-Masonry when men and woman belong to the same Lodge.
The fraternity tries to inculcate good behavior in public and private life by following three great principles: Brotherly love, Relief and Truth. Men join the fraternity for self-improvement, knowledge, skills, charity and a sense of brotherhood.