Time Capsule
Now with our time capsule out, the Time Capsule Committee has to decide what to put back in. Of course its original contents will return, along with the time capsule from 1876, but we want to leave our mark. Our goal is to represent Norwood in 2016 in the best possible light for the members who open it in 2116. Whoa, that's weird to say, that the next time these contents will be seen is in the year 2116. Will there even be a "Norwood Masonic Building" then? Will Orient Lodge still meet there? I hope so! But one thing is for sure, this time capsule is NORWOOD's time capsule. It doesn't represent Orient Lodge, or even Freemasonry in general but the Town of Norwood. Thus, the Committee would like the input of any and every Norwood resident. There's a lot of things we cant include (things with batteries etc.) and things that will be too big, but we'll make every effort to choose the best suggestions and include them. Please see the form below to make your suggestion.
On May 10th, 2016 Wor. Quinton Blanchard. Bro. Scott Davis and Bro. James Vengren cut, carved, marked, dot and engraved the side of the Masonic Masonic Building searching for the the Time Capsule!
Scott Davis (pictured) removed the contents of the time capsule one by one. With members, families and local media looking on Scott removed some very interesting documents and pictures placed there 100 years ago.
The contents of the Time Capsule included newspapers, dues cards, coins, pictures of members, a letter by the manufacturer of the box as well as other very interesting pieces of Norwood History.